I love when rain comes. They are an inspiration

Tuesday 16 March 2010

tiny's happiest life :)

hello my name is tiny yuniar and you can call me anything as long as it doesnt weird or abuse me (but my bf call me tinyoooong:) i am a student of senior high school in bandung and now i am studying on last grade (that means im more old.rawkk)
i live in bandung west of java indonesia. here is so many cullinary and tour place because of that i love bandung so fakin much :*
i like photography and all about fashion but i like no people with over accesories like alay!
my hobby is online and explore the cyber world, so my friends called me 'jurig internet'. but whatever they said im happy to be a cyber human. cause here i can found the old and new friends. im free to give some opinion here, not as in real world.
im addicted to yellow and brown and also astroboy hihi
i have a short black hair and brown-skinned like the other indonesian people.
i am extrovert unusual talkpasiv idiot ordinary shy calm not pretty not rich not popular but as strong enough as other girls!
anyway, i have a boy friend called as premi. his full name is premiyadi nurfalah. i meet him since i go up to 2nd grade on shs. he is a fat and curly boy, he wear glasses like a clever boy. he be mine since december 14th 2009. i proud of him cause he always protect me wherever and whenever. he is a boy with his logic brand, but beside it his heart is graceful. i prouder of him cause he always do whatever he want to do and he will try to do it:) he is an ordinary people and i love his ordinary life much :* i liked his struggle to be my bf :D
beside him. i have a lot of friends here. they are ninesist, forum kami, sosial dua anak ngeyel, mof and the others.
ilove to make a friend. thats make me feel that i am not life alone in this huge world:)
emhhhh i think its enough for intro. ask me if you still wanna know about me heheh
thankyouuuuuu folks :)